Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Helloooooooo Super Doubles!

The girls and I maxed out our 20 coupons this morning and scored some amazing deals!

Here's what we got and how we did it:

*Maxwell House Coffee - $2.97 - $1.00 coupon (doubled to $2.00) = $.97
*KC Masterpiece BBQ Sauce (2) - $2.19(ea) - $1.00 coupon (doubled to $2.00) = $.19/per
*Dove deodorant (2) - $3.35/ea - $1.50 coupon (doubled to $3.00) = $.35/per
*Sure deodorant - $2.89 - $1.50 coupon (doubled to $3.00) = FREE
*Mystic Pizza (3) - $3.00/ea - $1.50 coupon (doubled to $3.00) = 3 FREE PIZZAS
*Bagel Bites (2) - $2.50/ea - $1.00 coupon (doubled to $2.00) = $.50/per
*Tonys Pizza (4) - $1.17/ea - $1.00/2 coupon (doubled to $2.00/2) = $.17/per
*Pillsbury Jr. Biscuits - $1.00/ea - $1.00/2 coupon (doubled to $2.00/2) = 6 CANS OF FREE BISCUITS
*Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls - $1.25/ea - $1.00/2 coupon (doubled to $2.00/2) = $.25/per
*Go-Gurt - $2.79 - $1.00 coupon (doubled to $2.00) = $.79
*HT Milk - $2.27

Savings today - $60.08

Good luck to everyone else! We'll be returning later this week to scoop again!

All my love,

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