I took new pictures of the back porch garden today, and I think you'll be amazed at the growth since my last update! We have harvested a LOT of strawberries already and we have 2 zucchini sprouts growing. I also see some yellow blooms on our grape tomato plant as well as some tiny jalapeno pepper buds on that plant. The girls and I separated the green bell pepper plants this afternoon, and left 3 in the container in the back of the house and moved 6 more to containers in the front of the house (I'm not counting on those making it though - I think the neighborhood stray animals eat my plants in the front...now that I think about it, maybe I should throw some habaneros up there just for fun ;-) ).
Here's what we have now:
Our 2 baby zucchinis
Yellow crookneck squash
Mystery plant (I think it's another yellow squash plant)
Cucumber plant (I can actually see where its vine snapped and then healed! Very cool!)
Green beans (We'll be harvesting these shortly)
These are the green bell pepper plants that we separated late this afternoon.
See the small yellow blooms on our grape tomato plant???
A complete look at our Upsy-Downsy planter
The "scraggly" zucchini plant is finally catching up!
We have the strawberry plant on the left and the jalapeno pepper plant on the right.
The girls and I put Miracle-Gro on all of the plants again this evening and we are very excited to see all of the baby vegetables making appearances!
Thanks for following our plants!!! I hope that you all have a great week; I should be blogging later this week about the Lynch Station Pumpkin Patch!
All my love,
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