1. Go to stores that don't double or triple coupons EVER (i.e., Food Lion here in Wilmington). Pull multiple copies of any coupon in a blinkie in the aisles. As long as the first digit on the bar code is "5" the coupon will double or triple...even if it says "Do Not Double" across the front. On coupon forums, these coupons are frequently referred to as "DND5s."
2. Make a friend....in another state! Have your friend send you their inserts!!! Most grocery stores are careful to not have a sale that combines w/ a coupon promo involving coupons you will have been given in your local paper. You'd be surprised what you can get for free (or really really close to free) just by combining out of area coupons with your store's sales!
3. Find a coupon forum - don't feel the need to pay for services like TheGroceryGame.com (they cut into your coupon "profits"!!!). I use hotcouponworld.com because each week (triples, super doubles, or not) they type out the HT ad (in advance of Wednesday morning) and match the items up with known coupons that are in circulation.
4. Get organized!!! Collecting all of these coupons will do you no good if you can't keep track of what you have, what it's worth, when it expires, etc. I have a photo album binder (the 3-ring kind you can add pages to) that I put all of my coupons in. It's roughly arranged by aisle @ HT so I can flip through, grab the coupons, grab the items, and go.
5. Know the rules of the game, and be ready to share. This tip is most handy (in my experience) at Wal-Mart. Every time I go couponing there, I make sure I have a recent printout from their corporate web site that states their EXACT coupon policy. More than once, cashiers have told me that they can't accept my internet coupons and I just whip out the policy and say "oh yes, you can."
Second order of business - I jazzed up my Foursquare account today and created a location for the Holiday Inn Express & Suites. You can become my friend on Foursquare by searching for me here. The venue I created for the hotel is here. Have fun exploring the new technology!!!
All my love,
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