Scott has at least one, possibly two, interviews this week. The one that is definite is in Tulsa, OK (boooo :( ) and that will occur over the phone tomorrow. The other potential interview is in Virginia Beach, VA (YAY!!!!). Either option would mean relocating, BUT it would also mean leaving the ranks of the unemployed, which for us is the "greater good." If we move, we'll be faced with the choice of renting our house out for a few years or trying to sell in a pretty significant real estate slump. We have noticed that prices in Leland are starting to creep back up, which is a good sign that we may just be able to walk away with what we put into it (which is all that we profit needed - just no loss, please). We also found out that the builder for our neighborhood is planning to run a fence along the back of our property, which would increase the value if we wanted to sell our house! We'll have many decisions to make in the coming months, and I have no doubt that we'll change our minds many, many times before coming to any final solution. It would just be nice for us to get back to our usual family dynamic where Scott and I each have jobs that contribute to our household's financial success, we each get time alone with our girls, and we each get time alone with our jobs. I know from doing it myself for a year, it's HARD to stay at home with the kids all day, every day...but I will say that Mr. Mom has handled it very well. He even took the kids to the pool by himself tonight!!!
(My Hokies just lost to UNC!!! NOOOOOOO!)
I do plan to print off some internet coupons tonight when I get home so that I can do that segment of coupon shopping during Super Doubles. It's like a scavenger hunt to see what hidden gems you will find buried on different web sites. And on some sites, like or, it's all about what zip code you enter - some zip codes get better coupons than others! My only other frugal words of wisdom to impart upon you tonight are these - always check for discount produce and meats! If there was anything WRONG with it, it wouldn't be on the shelves. But, if your family is like mine, a tub of blueberries or a bag of salad can disappear in less than a day, so why pay full price for the freshest stuff the store has to offer? Nope...grab the stuff that has the "sell by" date of tomorrow, save >70%, and enjoy! Scott and I celebrated our anniversary last night by grilling out. We each had a hearty ribeye I had scored from the meat department after it had been marked down multiple times. It was originally priced at $14+ and I paid ~$3.50. YUM!
I'm going to sign off for tonight, but PLEASE keep us in your thoughts this week and I'll keep you posted on our progress!
All my love,
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