Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Update - Part One

Happy Tuesday everyone!!! Just wanted to begin giving a quick update as to what's been going on with our family and what we've been doing with all of this time we haven't spent blogging :) Thankfully, there have been no upheavals in employment or geographic location since last March...we've just been too busy living life to spend the time to WRITE about it!

The biggest change in our day-to-day family life has come from our decision to start homeschooling the girls. This is, of course, a huge commitment of my time...BUT it's probably the most rewarding thing I'll ever be blessed enough to do. We've been doing this since November of 2013 and have already had field trips (with more planned!), curriculum changes, struggles, science experiments gone wrong, and most importantly - joys of breakthroughs in learning! Follow all of our adventures on The Homestead Academy's Facebook Page!

Dowell Internet Marketing continues to be successful...so much in fact that I've brought in a social media manager to help me keep up with all of the Facebooking, Twittering, Pinteresting, and Google Plusing. :) Between the two of us, we now manage the following accounts:

It's a never-ending job trying to keep up with which part of North Carolina I'm "in" at the moment, but I love, love, LOVE having this opportunity to work from home in a job that I enjoy doing and get fulfillment from!

The baby just woke, so my time is up for now. I foresee science class happening outside this afternoon, as our temps have soared into the 60* range!

As always, thanks for reading!

All my love,

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