In this fast-paced, multi-outleted internet world that we have created, I hope to use this blog to just keep it ALL together. I will talk about things ranging from my wonderful family to my job to my famous coupon tips!!!
I am a 25-year-old mom of 2 beautiful girls. The oldest, Katelyn, is 4 and she is a great companion and we have had many great adventures together over the years. She is currently into all things Hannah Montana and can't wait to start kindergarten next fall. My baby, Abigail, is now 1 and I'm enjoying seeing her personality develop more and more every day. She's just starting to walk and has developed quite the vocabulary (much more than I remember her sister having at that age). I have been married for almost 5 years to my soul mate, Scott. We met in September, 2002 through a mutual friend and have been inseperable ever since. We both graduated from Virginia Tech and thoroughly enjoy every minute we are lucky enough to be in Blacksburg these days. We love to travel, play board games, hike, try our hands at gourmet cooking, camp, watch Harry Potter, and just have "family time."
With Christmas coming in less than 20 days, this is a very special time of year for our family to reflect on being truly thankful for the gifts that we have been given - our good health, a loving family, great friends, & opportunities to grow and succeed in work and in life. I have spent the last 5 years puttering in the hospitality field and have recently gone back to work full-time following Scott's layoff from S & ME, Inc. I am very blessed to have a job that I love and it's amazing to be the one trying to stay on the cutting edge of new technology (like figuring out all things Google Wave - Older technology is still fun ( ... ). And things I don't have access to yet ( are a beacon on the horizon - constantly reminding me of why I love being in social media. I am hoping to get the opportunity to manage multiple hotels' social and internet marketing programs; stay tuned for details on that.
I also am a pretty thrifty person and 110% believe in the old motto - "watch your pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves." I LOVE to use coupons when grocery shopping and would never, EVER, make a purchase online without searching for "promotional codes" first. I also enjoy making great finds on the side of the road on garbage day! I'm not likely to buy the latest trend just because everyone else is buying it, and when the money runs out, it's gone. We live within our means and that means no cable TV, no fancy new cars, no new wardrobe every season, no replacing appliances just because a better version has been developed, etc.
I hope that you will enjoy following us on our journeys through this blog. It's always fun to see where life will take the Dowell family!